Happy Gilmore's Caddy Costume for Cosplay & Halloween

How to make Caddy from Happy Gilmore costume

Caddy Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Orange Ringer T-Shirt Peeping from his collar, the caddy can be seen wearing a bright orange ringer shirt beneath his button-down, white top.
2 White Button-Down Short-Sleeved Shirt As part of his uniform, Happy’s caddy wears a plain white, button-down shirt with short sleeves. It looks relatively clean and simple.
3 White Regular Fit Pants Another part of his all-white ensemble, Happy’s caddy wears a pair of plain white, regular-fit pants that look immaculate and comfortable to move around in.
4 Red Beer Helmet Being a caddy is hard work so having a beer helmet makes Happy’s caddy feel refreshed.
5 2 cans of Beer Put 2 cans of beer to keep yourself refreshed. If you’re not fond of alcohol, 2 cans of soda is a good and refreshing alternative.
6 Khaki Golf Bag As a caddy, it’s his job to take care and carry Happy’s golf bag.
7 White Rubber Shoes To finish off his uniform, Happy’s caddy has on a pair of plain white rubber shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
8 Fake Beard Not all of us can grow a beard as scruffy and unkempt as Happy’s caddy, so a good substitute is this fake beard.

Happy’s caddy may not have a big role on the screen but he’s made quite a big impact on the audience with his stoic performance. Happy hired this quiet, homeless man to be his caddy, and his unkempt, shaggy beard coupled with his weird antics has bewitched us all.

The caddy’s most iconic look is his beard but he took his job somewhat seriously by donning on a caddy’s all-white uniform for Happy’s golf tournament. Here’s everything you need to look like the caddy from Happy Gilmore.

About the Caddy

Allen Covert played the funny role of Happy’s homeless caddy in Happy Gilmore. He’s a good friend of Adam Sandler and has starred in numerous films with him throughout the years.

Although it is never heard in the final version of the film, the caddy had a name. In a deleted scene, Happy mentions that his caddy’s name is Otto. This name also appears in the credits.