Mount Rushmore Costume for Cosplay & Halloween

How to Make Mount Rushmore Costume

Mount Rushmore Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Sport Grey Long Sleeve Shirt Look as if you’re part of the mountain with a grey long-sleeved shirt.
2 Sport Grey Joggers Match your top with a pair of grey pants.
3 Grey Sneakers Stick to the grey theme with your sneakers.
4 Wood Square Dowel Rods Use wooden rods to create the frame of your Mount Rushmore headpiece.
5 Chicken Wire Use chicken wire as the vertical frame of your Mount Rushmore headpiece.
6 American President Masks Get masks for 3 presidents and attach them on the chicken wire, leaving space for your own head.
7 Instant Papier Mache Use instant papier mache to create the mountain shape and go over the president masks.
8 Grey Acrylic Paint Once your headpiece is dry, use grey acrylic paint to color the whole thing.
9 Grey Hair Wax Put some grey hair wax on your hair.
10 Grey Face Paint Color your entire face with grey paint.
11 Grey Walrus Mustache Put on a fake walrus mustache if you’re impersonating Teddy Roosevelt.
12 Silver Frame Round Glasses Pair your mustache with some round glasses.
13 Full Costume Set Don’t want to waste time DIY-ing? Get this costume set instead.

Mount Rushmore is a national memorial commemorating a few of the American presidents including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. It is a huge monument which features the presidents’ faces carved into the side of a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Looking like Mount Rushmore will require some creativity, but the end results are sure to be memorable. You will need a grey shirt, grey pants, grey sneakers, wooden dowels, wire, paper mache, paint, and a few costume accessories.

About Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore was initially known for many names depending on who you ask over the years. After wealthy investor Charles E. Rushmore regularly visited the site and joked around with colleagues renaming the sculpture after himself, the United States Board of Geographic Names officially recognized it being “Mount Rushmore” in June 1930.

Check out these sites to read more about Mount Rushmore: