Revy Costume from Black Lagoon
Revy's costume include a black tank top, denim shorts, boots, and toy guns. She has burgundy hair, too.
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Revy's costume include a black tank top, denim shorts, boots, and toy guns. She has burgundy hair, too.
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Erron's costume can be put together with a brown armor, pants, bullet chain belt, knee caps, and boots. Then wear body paint to recreate his numerous scars. Wear a gun holster arm guards, a mask, and a cowboy hat too. Finally, cut yards of brown fabric and wear it around and neck and as a cape.
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Frau Farbissina's costume is composed of a white button-down shirt with necktie and pants under a trench coat. She has a short brown bob and can be seen carryin a golf club.
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Peacemaker’s costume is a tight red shirt with blue details, khaki pants, blue boots, blue gloves, a blue belt, and his iconic metal helmet.
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Sam Fisher costume is his camo get-up featuring a long-sleeved shirt with tactical vest, cargo pants, and combat boots. He carries a knife and a gun and has multi-vision goggles on him.
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Man with No Name’s costume is a blue button-down shirt, black pants, a camel vest, a poncho, spurs on his shoes, an Old West Hat, and brings a cigar around.
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Jango Fett’s costume is a dark under-suit, silver armor all over his body, a navy and silver helmet, a brown belt and leather holsters.
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Giddy-Up’s costume is an olive green tank top, black tights, green boots, an orange scarf, and a wearable inflatable llama.
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Blade costume is a dark armor vest with black tactical pants, leather gloves and shoes, dark sunglasses, and a leather long coat.
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Buffy the vampire slayer’s costume is her own, but it is definitely very 90s inspired and tailored to her job of vampire slaying.
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Soldier 76 costume is a special jacket with his 76 number printed at the back. He wears black pants with cargo inspiration and holsters as well as shin guards. He carries his signature gun and has white hair, cyclops glasses, and face mask.
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Camo costume includes an olive shirt, camouflage print pants and hat, as well as dog tags. Wear combat boots, too. Accessorize with a sash of fake bullets.
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Snake Plissken’s outfit may look simple, but it exudes confidence and bad-assery like no other. He wears a black sleeveless compression shirt, black pants, and black boots.
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The Headless Horseman looks sinister yet regal in his mercenary uniform. He wears a typical colonial outfit consisting of a jacket, jabot, and cuffs. He is also armed with his axe.
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Jayne Cobb often wears a light brown T-shirt with regular pants, and equipped with fire arms
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Jordan a G.I. Jane wears a crop tank top topped with a military green vest, camouflage shorts, training boots, and dog tags
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Selene wears a super tight black leather bodysuit, black corset, black leather coat & combat boots.
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Cable costume is a brown T-shirt topped with bulletproof vest and shell belt, a dark green cape, black cargo pants, a tactical belt, black gloves, gun holsters, and brown combat boots.
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G.I. Joe agents costume is a soldier green T-shirt, a black armor, green camouflage pants, black finger-less gloves, a black utility belt, a gun holster for thigh, and a pair of combat boots.
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Bane’s costume is a durable vest, cargo pants, combat boots, and a thick brown jacket.
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Van Helsing costume is thick leather duster coat and leather vest with leather boots. He also wears cowboy hat, button-up and weapon props.
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Agent 47 costume is a clean black suit with white shirt and red necktie, finger-less gloves, formal leather shoes.
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Solid Snake’s attire is as tactical as he is, opting to wear highly advanced battle gear. He certainly looks like he means business while wearing grey and black ensemble.
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Rambo’s outfit has become so iconic that it can be synonymous to being ‘brave.’ His simple outfit of black pants, tactical boots, and a rifle is something that most people would recognize anywhere.
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Boba Fett favorite piece of clothes is golden silk robe, which perfectly suits his skinny body
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Lara Croft from Tomb Raider costume is sleeveless blue shirt, khaki shorts, backpack, fingerless gloves, combat boots and additional props.
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You need these items to cosplay as Chloe Frazer from Uncharted Series
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You need these items to dress as Nathan Drake from Uncharted Series
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Rick O’Connell is a French legionary, so some of the key pieces are khaki trousers, white military shirt, and brown boots
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